The Audio MP3
Since our last interview with Jerry Brewer last August in 2012 the dynamics of the “Mexican Drug War” have morphed into what is essentially a War against organized crime throughout the Americas. While we discussed last time how this would (and has) affect the US and Canada, there is a new enemy that is made up of a myriad of foreign nationals focusing on MUCH more than drugs.
They are heavy into alternative and VERY LUCRATIVE revenue ventures (human/sex trafficking, kidnapping/extortion, murder for hire, robbery, and others). The sex trafficking trade is now rivaling the drug trade and the second largest illicit revenue source behind drug trafficking.
Again, he said in our last interview and he explained that drug legalization would not adversely affect the cartels- they would start getting into other areas of illicit supply and demand. Although drugs also continue to flow.
My name is Samuel Ezerzer, your host to the Money & Business show on Radio Shalom, CJRS 1650 AM. Thank you for tuning in live on the Money & Business show, with our Business studios headquarters in Montreal, the financial capital and the home to the greatest hockey team, the Montreal Canadians. We have another great show for you today and as always, you can call if you have any questions, comments, or criticisms on today's topic. Please call us direct at 514 738 4100 ext 200 or email me at if you have any inquiries. You can also visit our website at – all our shows are archived there.
“The America’s Drug War Causing a Shift in Illicit Revenue specifically the business of Human

Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative- with a fluency in Spanish.
With over thirty years of professional managerial and leadership experience in the field of Criminal Justice (fifteen years as Chief of Police in 3 states); Jerry’s awards include U.S. Congressional and State Senate and House, honors. He is a published author. columnist, keynote speaker, consultant, and expert witness on extensive international criminal justice topics- Intelligence; terrorism/counterterrorism; transnational organized crime and drug cartels; policing; leadership; major case criminal investigation/homicide. and related world events
He is the President and CEO of Criminal Justice International Associates, A global threat mitigation Firm located in northern Virginia."
United States of America
Washington, D.C.
(archived at: and
1- What is the current status of the so called war on drugs?
The quick answer is that over 60,000 people have been killed, and thousands still missing
nor accounted for. Over 100 city officials, military, and police have been killed; 86
chiefs of police also. The war on drugs in Mexico and the northern cone of Central
America has essentially morphed into a war against transnational organized
crime/criminals (TOCs).
There has been a splintering of many of the gangs and former drug cartels due to the
intense aggressive military interdiction that was deployed by former President Felipe
Calderon. Calderon had no choice but to utilize his military forces to combat an enemy
that was made up of former Guatemalan and Mexican special forces deserters. This
enemy was heavily armed, skilled, and as capable as any foreign insurgent army. The US
military and US Intelligence Community began to train the Mexican military and federal
police. This has made a significant difference after a year or so of these TCOs directly
confronting and ambushing Mexican police and military patrols head on.
The splintering into smaller cellular groups by these organized criminals and gang
members was significantly caused by the strategic and tactical use of shared Intelligence
methods/applications (with US) and specialized military operations that led to the capture
and/or killing of over two-thirds of the top 37 most wanted drug kingpins.
Much of this intense and capable strong show of force in Mexico and Central America
was necessary due to virtually an absence of any formal and capable policing
infrastructure in those regions. Corruption had also been rampant. The strong pressure
resulted in much more traditional violent crimes for illicit revenue that had been impacted
by aggressive attention to drug routes, transportation systems, money laundering, and
other drug trafficking modus operandi.
The smaller groups diverted much of their attention to now the second most source of
illegal revenue to drug trafficking- human/sex trafficking; kidnapping/extortion; armed
robbery; murder for hire; oil thefts, and related violent crimes.
2- Will the fight against “transnational organized crime” be much different than the usual fight against the traditional drug cartel gangs?
The enemy will still be the same and they will continue to be heavily armed, ruthless, and
capable. The major difference will be the urgent need for fundamentally sound policing
concepts and methods. Competent criminal investigations with scientific concerns in
crime scene processing and collection will be necessary; strong cases built against
violators that result in prosecutable victories and extended incarceration will need to be
primary goals. No easy task. The military essentially cannot do this, and competent
policing infrastructure with obvious capable oversight must be required. Drugs will
continue to flow regardless of legalization attempts, to feed a US $60B drug demand. It must also be said that no local state, county, or municipal police departments in the
world (including the US) were ever designed and created to face what Mexico and those
nations in the northern cone of Central America have faced with superior armed
paramilitary (trained) criminals.
3- Where does this leave the war on drugs? Will the Latin America nations lose their focus on drug interdiction?
As I said before, drugs will continue to flow regardless of legalization attempts by the US
or any other world nation. There will be illicit markets to cater to “higher highs;”
enhanced potency that is outside of legal mandates to feed a US $60B drug
demand/addiction a year alone. A myriad of illicit contraband trafficked worldwide will
continue. TOCs will remain very capable adversaries to policing jurisdictions. I strongly
suspect that military applications (that include Intelligence monitoring/gathering) will
have a role in transnational organized crime interdiction throughout the world; and
hopefully nations that will try to work closer together and united against organized crime.
4- The US Intelligence community and US military have been fragmenting the drug cartels in Mexico and Central America; what does this mean to the cartel’s organizational structure and revenue?
Again, this heavy attention on the drug cartels hierarchy have forced smaller groups into
alternative and VERY LUCRATIVE revenue ventures (human/sex is now rivaling the
drug trade and the second largest illicit revenue source behind drug trafficking.
Secretary Clinton Delivers a Video Message to the Yale Human
Trafficking Conference from the Department of State in Washington,
Hillary Clinton
5. Jerry as Hillary clinton said “For decades, the problem went largely unnoticed. But 10 years ago this week, President Clinton signed the Trafficking Victims’ Protection Act, which gave us more tools to bring traffickers to justice and to provide victims with legal services and other support. Today, police officers, activists, and governments are coordinating their efforts
more effectively? And What specifically are these new illicit markets?
The truth is that words alone do not make commitment- regardless of documents
drafted/created. Critical “action” is needed now. There is an entire culture of modern day
human slavery worldwide. This includes forced labor; migrants kidnapped, robbed of
their life savings and killed or forced into servitude; commercial sexual exploitation and
forced prostitution; children forced into becoming military soldiers, and related acts.
6- Just how prevalent is the human trafficking and sex trade in this Hemisphere?
How serious is what I am saying compared to “words” of victory over this world
scourge? There are over 27 million people living in modern day slavery. Over 100
million children will be sold into prostitution in the next 12 months worldwide. The
human trafficking sex industry is estimated to be a US$ 9.5 Billion a year industry. We
can’t afford morally to look the other way anymore. Action is necessary now.
President Obama Speaks at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting
September 25, 2012 | 22:31 | Public Domain
“”In remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, President
Obama calls human trafficking a debasement of our common humanity that
tears at the social fabric of our communities, distorts markets,
endangers public health, and fuels violence and organized crime.”
“”“When a little boy is kidnapped, turned into a child soldier, forced to kill or be killed -- that’s slavery. When a little girl is sold by her impoverished family -- girls my daughters’ age -- runs away from home, or is lured by the false promises of a better life, and then imprisoned in a brothel and tortured if she resists -- that’s slavery. It is barbaric, and it is evil, and it has no place in a civilized world. (Applause.)”“”
7- Jerry as the President said calls human trafficking a debasement of our common humanity that
tears at the social fabric of our communities, distorts markets,
endangers public health, and fuels violence and organized crime and what is the extent of this world trade human and sex trafficking trade, and what is the extent of it?
It certainly fuels organized crime- with the key word as “organized.” This is a world
network of criminal actors that work in concert to provide victims. We obviously know
what it is, but how committed are we to aggressively get involved to fight it? Men,
women, and children are the victims. This includes forced labor and sweat shops in which
victims are enslaved for little compensation.
We are going to the state department as Ambassador-at-Large CdeBaca Testifies on International Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
Human trafficking is not limited to sexual exploitation and it’s not limited to women; it involves any illegal trade of human beings for the purpose of forced labor.
“When it comes to forced labor, we’re taking a hard look at the supply chains and labor sources behind the products we use every day. And what we’ve found should make us all think about the way this crime affects our lives. Because it’s likely that many of the products we use and rely on every day—from our morning coffee to our cotton sheets to the smart phone in our pocket to the car we drive to work—were touched by forced labor somewhere along the line.”
Bangkok (Thailand), 4 February 2010 - The UNODC Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific hosted the Partnership Forum on Transnational Organized Crime, in Bangkok from 27 to 29 January 2010. The event represented a unique opportunity to foster a joint regional response to the threats posed by transnational organized crime.
8.Jerry how can we as consumers find out how these products that we consume on a daily basis , do not come from human slavery or forced labor?
We must encourage businesses, companies, and corporations to look at and know their
supply chains and be cognizant of the moral applications involved rather than just
looking at their bottom line fiscally.

9- What is being done to interdict the human and sex trafficking trade?
There are a lot of world private organizations that are getting involved in geographically
appropriate regions. So many more are needed. Funding is critical and resources difficult
to achieve despite political rhetoric. Just look at government budgets- ask where these
allocations are. Police are beginning to become more aware of human trafficking
symptoms through situational awareness brought on by strengthened border security, as
well as education and training. We are still far behind this escalating world problem.
Nations with poor policing infrastructure have little chance of making a difference. These
efforts must be a united world effort, regardless of political beliefs. This is about
humanity and the rule of law.
10- In reference to the film Documentary that you mentioned for Argentina; can you explain a little about the planned production and what will be the main focus of this film?
This is a planned Documentary that will focus on 2-3 cases of human/sex trafficking each
in Mexico, Guatemala, and then in Argentina where there is evidence of much growth
and organization in the sex trade. Argentina is also now second to the US in world
cocaine use. We intend to show the correlation in drug addiction as a tool to control and
manipulate many of these victims through addiction and forced abduction, recruitment,
and exploitation.
A friend of mine and an award-winning filmmaker, Gladys Bensimon (of HBR
Productions), will film this most important project. She is an amazing talented person that
has also done two other similar productions- “Crossing Our Borders,” that was narrated by Actress Maria Conchita Alonso; and “Living Life in Union,” that was narrated by
Actor Andy Garcia. That was a film about Castro’s political prisoners. Incredible film.
We are very excited about this new project.
11- What are latest US border security issues and how does the current legalization of marijuana affect Mexico and the US? What effects do you envision for Canada?
US Border issues will continue to be concerned with security and illegal immigration by
transnationals. I don’t think that anyone that has never toured or been a part of a law
enforcement effort in an international border region can truly envision or comprehend the
monumental task of policing a border.
Among two other states, I served as Chief of Police in what is described as the “Tucson
Sector” of Arizona. The “Sector” reaches from Greater Tucson down to Nogales directly
on the border with Mexico. This is a primary pipeline of drug trafficking and illegal
human trafficking. There is no way that the US border with Mexico that stretches a little
under 2,000 miles will ever be fully secured- unless we lined up border patrol agents or
police holding hands across the entire stretch.
Illegals and contraband come through tunnels, over and under fences, up through
manhole covers, and in many instances can up inside of a business or residence on the US
side. Such was a case in Nogales in which illegals went under the fence into a tunnel that
came up inside a restaurant bathroom on the US side.
Drugs are catapulted over fences; muled in by illegals and other smugglers via the Rio
Grande; small planes/ultra lights; helicopters; vehicles; and a myriad of “easy” ways that
take advantage of hundreds of miles of rural land, as well as unfenced Indian land. The
old adage- build an eight foot fence and someone will bring a ten foot ladder.
Do we give up on border security? Rather than build multi-billions of dollars worth of
useless fences/walls; we must take advantage of methods that we have such as military
applications of aerial and naval support; signals and related intelligence (SIGINT);
surveillance drones; “sector task force grids;” and innovative covert and tactical methods
that incorporate modern scientific equipment, hardware, and related technology. This all,
just as if our nation was being infiltrated/attacked by an enemy. There are needs for
fences/walls obviously in those areas of larger towns and cities in which people are
concentrated on both sides of the border, and many that are properly documented may
enter legally.
Canada must also remain vigilant for a shift in trafficking and smuggling routes through
Canada, as well as the continued introduction of higher potency marijuana, and other
drugs that will remain far above the tolerated or legal norm for addiction and potency
Last clip finally
Published on Jul 25, 2012
Actress Serinda Swan and a group of celebrity activists embarked on a mission: skydive 18,000 feet for $18,000 to end human trafficking and sex slavery.
In just 10 days they surpassed their goal and raised $38,000 for the Somaly Mam Foundation.
visit as well As You can Hear President Obama Speak about Human Slavery
The Coming Invasion Of Mexican Drug War & Its Lucrative Profits; Counter-terrorism Expert
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