The Audio MP3
Since our last interview with Jerry Brewer last August in 2012 the dynamics of the “Mexican Drug War” have morphed into what is essentially a War against organized crime throughout the Americas. While we discussed last time how this would (and has) affect the US and Canada, there is a new enemy that is made up of a myriad of foreign nationals focusing on MUCH more than drugs.
Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery,Period part 1/4
US military and US Intelligence has entrenched throughout the Northern Cone of Central America and placed immense pressure on the drug cartels as Jerry Brewer said they would. This has fragmented many of the main cartels, as well as displaced them to focus on markets further south and deep into Argentina.
They are heavy into alternative and VERY LUCRATIVE revenue ventures (human/sex trafficking, kidnapping/extortion, murder for hire, robbery, and others). The sex trafficking trade is now rivaling the drug trade and the second largest illicit revenue source behind drug trafficking.
Again, he said in our last interview and he explained that drug legalization would not adversely affect the cartels- they would start getting into other areas of illicit supply and demand. Although drugs also continue to flow.
Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery,Period part 2/4
Today we will explore in our today's show live from Florida is Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative, we will explore the the financials of the sex and human trafficking trade being nurtured and supported by a world international market; the dynamics of the US in Central America against the transnational organized criminals, and the current border situation in the US
My name is Samuel Ezerzer, your host to the Money & Business show on Radio Shalom, CJRS 1650 AM.
Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery,Period part 3/4
“The America’s Drug War Causing a Shift in Illicit Revenue specifically the business of Human

Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative- with a fluency in Spanish.
Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery,Period part 4/4
United States of America
Washington, D.C.
(archived at: and
last interview with Jerry Brewer Mexican Drug Wars
Argentina Sex Slavery Court Ruling Sparks Riots
Riots have broken out in Argentina after 13 people were acquitted over the disappearance of a young woman who was allegedly kidnapped and forced into sex slavery.
The court ruling has also prompted calls by political leaders to impeach the three judges who delivered the verdict.
Many have called the ruling a setback for Argentina's efforts to combat sex trafficking.
When Maria de los Angeles "Marita" Veron vanished in 2002, her mother, Susana Trimarco, launched a one-woman campaign to find her - and rescued hundreds of women from sex slavery along the way.
Ms Trimarco's search exposed an underworld of organised crime figures who operate brothels with protection from authorities
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