Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Secretary Pompeo Loses it Over Diplomatic Security Question

Secretary Pompeo Loses it Over Diplomatic Security Question

Secretary Pompeo Clashes with Lawmaker Over Commitment to Diplomatic Security Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is questioned by Representative Gregory Meeks (D-NY) about the his commitment to diplomatic security, which the congressman says has declined about 45 percent under the Trump administration. Secretary Pompeo rejects the charge that because he hasn't talked publicly about it or mentioned it in his testimony that he doesn't care about the issue. "I take diplomatic security very seriously...I'll take a back seat to no one with respect to caring about and protecting the people that work for me," Pompeo says, adding that the first person he met with on becoming the secretary of State nominee was with the head of diplomatic security. "Nor did Hillary Clinton," Representative Meeks responds

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Rod Rosenstein responds to impeachment threat ``Won't Be Extorted Over Articles of Impeachment``

EPIC! Andrew Scheer Hammers PM Trudeau on KM Pipeline FREE SPEECH?

``Shop the Look `` Jessie B.Hamron Bikini Pro Champion at Musclemania Canada

Jessie B.Hamron GYMB54 
``Shop the Look ``
Jessie B.Hamron Bikini Pro Champion at Musclemania Canada 

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CAUGHT Pipeline Protesters got federal Liberal money through Canada Summer Jobs

EPIC! Andrew Scheer DESTROYS Trudeau In Exchange over Immigration

EPIC! Andrew Scheer DESTROYS Trudeau In Exchange over Immigration

 In a year-end interview with Vassy Kapelos, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer says "everything Justin Trudeau touches turns into a disaster."