April 10th 2013 from 4pm-5pm and Replayed the following Monday at 7pm
Live from The Business Headquarters of Radio Shalom 1650AM in Montreal
Money and Business Show

Host Samuel Ezerzer
listen via internet
To live in Quebec is to become accustomed to daily reminders that French in the Canadian province is the most regulated language in the world.
On December 5, 2012, the National Assembly of Québec introduced Bill 14, an Act to amend the Charter of the French language, the Charter of human rights and freedoms and other legislative provisions (Bill 14 or the bill) with the purpose of increasing and protecting the use of the French language. Businesses with between 26 and 49 employees are particularly concerned about the proposed amendments since their francization obligations would be significantly increased as a result of the adoption of Bill 14.
If Bill 14 passes, military families living in Quebec but liable to be relocated at any time will no longer be permitted to send their children to English-language schools. Municipalities whose Anglophone inhabitants make up less than 50% of their populations will lose their bilingual status, meaning, among other things, that residents won’t be able to access government documents in English. For the first time, companies with 25 to 49 workers will be required to conduct all business in French, a process set to cost medium-size businesses $23 million.
English CEGEPs could see their freedom to accept francophone students curtailed which would hurt francophones a lot more than anglophones ; and in terms of business employees in Quebec would have the right to sue their employees if they were asked to speak English on the job.
Today live from the business headquarters in Radio Shalom1650AM in Montreal we have here to discuss the propose bill 14 and how it will the English communities as a whole is Dr. William Steinberg mayor of The Town of Hampstead and we are also joined by Mr Anthony Housefather Mayor of the town of Cote st luc.
Dr. Steinberg is the Mayor of the Town Hampstead

Côte St. Luc mayor Anthony Housefather
Dr bill Steinberg ;
Mario Beaulieu and the Mouvement Quebec Francais say revisions to the
Charter of the French Language are necessary to eliminate the tacit
acceptance of all foreign languages in Quebec.According to Beaulieu,
despite French being spoken by the overwhelming majority of the
population, it is still fighting a constant, losing battle against
English."The future of French is in urgent danger,"
Is it?
Dr. Steinberg and Anthony
Why do you think the PQ put forward Bill 14.
Tell me about bilingual status. How was it created? How would Bill 14
change this?
What does bilingual status mean, what can municipalities with
bilingual status do that others cannot do?
Dr. Steinberg how will bill 14 affect the Health Care in Quebec?
- At a time when we have a shortage of doctors and nurses, Bill 14
will toughen the language testing requirements making it harder to
attract the medical professionals that we so desperately need. It will
also add more regulations and documentation requirements for health
institutions (and all institutions) so they will spend money and time
on paperwork instead of on patient care.
Dr. Steinberg how will bill 14 affect Quebec businesses in Quebec?
With one of the highest debt and tax levels in North America, Quebec
needs to encourage businesses that create jobs and wealth. Bill 14
will extend Francization requirements to businesses with 26 to 49
employees. This will discourage businesses from locating or expanding
in Quebec. It will however mean that the government will need more
bureaucrats and language police. This is no way to grow our economy.
What have you done to try to attack the provisions of Bill 14 on
bilingual status?
Dr. Steinberg
The new leader of Quebec’s Liberals says it’s time for an attitude
overhaul when it comes to language in the province.Philippe Couillard
says he’ll oppose current language legislation because he believes the
Parti Quebecois’ Bill 14 takes the wrong approach to protecting
French.Couillard says the province has had enough coercive measures
over the decades to make people speak French, and they’ve worked
well.“Now it’s time to move from coercion, to encouragement,”
Couillard .
Apparently the Liberals will vote against Bill 14 and all amendments,
what will the Coalition Action Quebec do and what will be the
political implications if they accept some amendments?
Anthony and Dr. Steinberg
If the Liberals form a majority government, will they reverse any
parts of Bill 14 that pass?
What was it like to appear before the Parliamentary Commission on Bill 14?
Dr. Steinberg and Anthony
Have you reached out to the francophone community to get alliances in
your fight against these provisions of Bill 14?
Anthony we are going to hear a clip CSL created a video on Bill 14,
Bilingual Status and Bill 14 explained
Visit BilingualStatus.com
Dr. Steinberg
Should Montreal be a separate province?
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