EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH JERRY BREWER Second Half of the Show Jerry Brewer a former CIA officer and currently has a firm Criminal Justice International Associates a global risk assessment and threat mitigation.
INTRODUCTION Since our last interview with Jerry Brewer last August in 2012 the dynamics of the “Mexican Drug War” have morphed into what is essentially a War against organized crime throughout the Americas. While we discussed last time how this would (and has) affect the US and Canada, there is a new enemy that is made up of a myriad of foreign nationals focusing on MUCH more than drugs.
TOPIC "Wealth Redistribution Hugo Chavez Style" And Was Chavez worth over $1bn when he died? As well As the Boston Bombings what could have been done to prevent this if possible Today in our today's show live from Florida is Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative, we will explore Hugo Chavez Worth when he died.
My name is Samuel Ezerzer, your host to the Money & Business show on Radio Shalom, CJRS 1650 AM. Thank you for tuning in live on the Money & Business show, with our Business studios headquarters in Montreal, the financial capital and the home to the greatest hockey team, the Montreal Canadians. We have another great show for you today and as always, you can call if you have any questions, comments, or criticisms on today's topic. Please call us direct at 514 738 4100 ext 200 or email me at moneyandbusinessshow@gmail.com if you have any inquiries. You can also visit our website at http://www.radio-shalom.ca/ – all our shows are archived there. Biography JERRY BREWER
Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative- with a fluency in Spanish. With over thirty years of professional managerial and leadership experience in the field of Criminal Justice (fifteen years as Chief of Police in 3 states); Jerry’s awards include U.S. Congressional and State Senate and House, honors. He is a published author. columnist, keynote speaker, consultant, and expert witness on extensive international criminal justice topics- Intelligence; terrorism/counterterrorism; transnational organized crime and drug cartels; policing; leadership; major case criminal investigation/homicide. and related world events He is the President and CEO of Criminal Justice International Associates, A global threat mitigation Firm located in northern Virginia."
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Let’s move forward on terrorism to the recent bombing in Boston. Before we talk about the incident from the moment the bombs exploded and forward to currently; what could have been done to prevent this if possible, and what do counterterrorism experts such as you look for and do to interdict terrorists proactively? A- First off, it would be nearly impossible to stop any threat that is intricately planned, organized, structured, supported and moves forward with patience; adhering to a rigid and strict operational plan. Without informants (whistleblowers) a well organized team effort can prevail against a target. What counterterror experts rely on in attempting to interdict planned terror events is in the pre-attack stages of the terrorist’s attack cycle which is their weakest point. That cycle begins with the process of the terrorist selecting or identifying a target for attack. They do this by sometimes intense periods of surveillance of the potential victim or target site. They look for patterns, security issues, travel routes, and related routines where the victim/site is vulnerable tor attack. This period of surveillance could be very lengthy. This is where they can be eventually spotted by a trained surveillance detection cadre. The terrorist’s surveillance team will pay special attention to a location where the victim or victims can be controlled in terms of a flow, chokepoint, or channel with little chance of exiting safely. The terrorist must be able to blend in and have a position of cover to sustain his/her presence in the area; the place to control the victim, and a method/route of escape. Can you summarize what you know about the Boston bombing and what took place and was reported? A- As you know, the investigation continues to be fluid. Open source reports of the bombing can never be truly relied upon due to potential withholding of certain information or events for strategic investigative reasons or national security. My specific interest of the Boston (Marathon) bombings was the modus operandi of the two “named” terrorists. I apply the traditional terror cycle and immediately wonder if any pre-attack surveillance and assessment of the attack site was or could have been spotted previous to the operational act. Were cameras within the chosen site perimeter checked back further (prior to the date of attack) for these two actors and/or potential accomplices? Were there false police calls for service to the immediate area; other emergency responders such as fire or ambulance/rescue; or other unusual events prior to the date of attack? In my opinion, the attack site was a well chosen site for several reasons. This leads me to believe that there was classic terror training/indoctrination, and methodology and not a simple random attack poorly planned. Two adequate devices/bombs were placed and detonated undetected prior to the explosion. The devices placed about a hundred yards apart and within the intended victimsfor maximum effect/scatter/injuries. Too, the devices were placed along the flow of the runners moving in one direction, with spectators static between the two explosive devices. This area became a chokepoint after the side street was passed and they moved forward to the first detonation There was no place for retreat and the second bomb was timed to get those continuing to run or run away from the first explosion.The escape route for the terrorists was the side street away from the first bomb and they were able to move away effectively and timely; albeit the camera’s later would reveal their movement. What about many of the theories and best guesses by many as to the overall picture as to whether these two brothers were affiliated with anyone and had help with this attack- do you think they were trained in your opinion by traditional terrorism factions or networks? A- Yesterday, the surviving terrorist allegedly said they acted alone; prepared the bombs from Internet-style links, and did it because of US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan in disrespect to Islam.I take into account the deceased terrorist’s hate for the US; his six month known travel to Russia, and the previous warning to the FBI from Russia (possibly others) to have a look at him. It appears that that ball was dropped and this team of two (or others possibly unknown) were able to perform according to what I just detailed- in precision; and may have totally escaped had they not gotten involved in the incidents with the car jacking, MIT incident, and the traffic stop. It was a well executed plan for what is being described/reported as an untrained, unskilled, random first act. Regarding the terrorists that were arrested by the Canadian RCMP on Monday, what is your current assessment of those reports; your opinion on RCMP’s due diligence in that lengthy investigation, and what it means to Canada and the US for the future of potential aggressive attacks on both nations?
A- From what I know, the RCMP accomplished an outstanding and “proactive” effort instrategically interdicting a terrorist cell in their planning stages for a major terrorist event that was designed for mass casualties that would have possibly affected Canada and the US. It was reported that the FBI was collaborating in this investigation and the plan entailed possible site(s) in New York. Effectively countering terrorism requires proactive strategies; intense and consistent training to police at all levels (local/county/state/federal/military); the sharing of intelligence along with proactive intelligence-led policing routines, and educating people in spotting and reporting suspicious incidents and actions. This nation cannot afford to simply be in a “reactive” posture to a terrorist’s plan of attack.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH JERRY BREWER Jerry Brewer a former CIA officer and currently has a firm Criminal Justice International Associates a global risk assessment and threat mitigation.
Since our last interview with Jerry Brewer last August in 2012 the dynamics of the “Mexican Drug War” have morphed into what is essentially a War against organized crime throughout the Americas. While we discussed last time how this would (and has) affect the US and Canada, there is a new enemy that is made up of a myriad of foreign nationals focusing on MUCH more than drugs.
Well what was Hugo Chavez net worth ? Was Chavez worth over $1bn when he died? Intelligence analyst claimshe amassed huge fortune from country's oil wealth. Hugo Chavez, the champion of Venezuela's millions of poor was worth over $1 billion at the time of his death and it all came from the oil wealth of his country. Jerry brewer a former CIA officer and currently has a firm Criminal Justice International Associates a global risk assessment and threat mitigation , alleges that the Chavez family and hundreds of other associates have stolen one-tenth of the $1 trillion of Venezuela oil revenues since 1999 and not only that but he also claims that the Chavez family have joined in league with criminal organizations to appropriate $100 billion up until his death on on March 5th 2013.Jerry Brewer, asserted that since Hugo's rise to power in 1999, the extended family has amassed its fortune through both legal and illegal methods, I am not shocked i call this; "Wealth Redistribution Hugo Chavez Style" TOPIC "Wealth Redistribution Hugo Chavez Style" And Was Chavez worth over $1bn when he died? As well As the Boston Bombings what could have been done to prevent this if possible
Today in our today's show live from Florida is Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative, we will explore Hugo Chavez Worth when he died.
My name is Samuel Ezerzer, your host to the Money & Business show on Radio Shalom, CJRS 1650 AM. Thank you for tuning in live on the Money & Business show, with our Business studios headquarters in Montreal, the financial capital and the home to the greatest hockey team, the Montreal Canadians. We have another great show for you today and as always, you can call if you have any questions, comments, or criticisms on today's topic. Please call us direct at 514 738 4100 ext 200 or email me at moneyandbusinessshow@gmail.com if you have any inquiries. You can also visit our website at http://www.radio-shalom.ca/ – all our shows are archived there. Biography JERRY BREWER
Mr. Jerry Brewer is a 'former" CIA 'officer' in the Counter-terrorism Center , has served the U.S. government as a counterterrorism specialist- practitioner and senior trainer with extensive operational activity in Latin America and the Middle East as an intelligence community operative- with a fluency in Spanish. With over thirty years of professional managerial and leadership experience in the field of Criminal Justice (fifteen years as Chief of Police in 3 states); Jerry’s awards include U.S. Congressional and State Senate and House, honors. He is a published author. columnist, keynote speaker, consultant, and expert witness on extensive international criminal justice topics- Intelligence; terrorism/counterterrorism; transnational organized crime and drug cartels; policing; leadership; major case criminal investigation/homicide. and related world events He is the President and CEO of Criminal Justice International Associates, A global threat mitigation Firm located in northern Virginia."
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1- Jerry, Venezuela had their Presidential elections on April 14th of this year that resulted in a very slim and very controversial victory by Nicolas Maduro to replace the late President Hugo Chavez, who had previously anointed him to be the next president before his surgery and ultimate death. First off, you had written an Op-Ed in 2010 reporting that Hugo Chavez’s net worth was at US $2 billion. In March of this year you did an on camera interview with UNIVISION TV out of Miami on his wealth, it went viral all over Latin America. What were those circumstances?
A- Since 1999 the Hugo Chavez Frias family amassed wealth that I estimated, at an absolute minimum at around $1.8 Billion. This wealth is tied to Venezuela’s economy – essentially systematic corruption. Chavez took control of economic matters, weakened the legislature and judiciary, and tightened the grip by the military. There was rampant corruption and mismanagement outside of transparency; especially with the state run oil company PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela). In 2002, Chavez redefined PDVSA’s role to include the government’s social priorities.This quickly became a cash cow that had previously generated unusually high profit margins and the excess used for other purposes, including gifts to buy political favor with other leftist regimes. As an example, Chavez was sending 53,000 barrels of oil per day to Cuba in exchange for “technical support.” Venezuela also purchased $3.5 billion in bonds to help pay off Argentina’s debt. And on August
4, 2007 Guido Antonini Wilson, a Venezuelan businessman, arrived in Buenos Aires on a chartered flight with Argentine energy officials and executives of PDVSA. Argentine customs agents caught him with a suitcase stuffed with $800,000 in cash he did not declare that reportedly was from Chavez and a political gift to the campaign of Cristina Fenandez de Kirchner.Officials reported that It was difficult to determine how Venezuela had been spending its oil windfall, given the lack of government transparency with Venezuela ranked 162 out of 179 countries ranked on the “Transparency International's corruption index.” Venezuela released some financials that indicated billions of dollars of pledges of aid to foreign countries- not directly related to PDVSA's core business. PDVSA has transferred billions of dollars to Fonden, the off-budget investment fund many experts say was financing Chavez's social projects. According to International Oil Daily, an energy trade publication, PDVSA spent $14.4 billion on social programs in 2007. Chavez was also accused of funneling money to the paramilitary FARC guerillas in Colombia. Massive expenditures of billions of dollars for military weapons from Russia was explained by Chavez as protection for the Venezuelan homeland- although there was no threat or no known enemy.Chavez consistently woud say that the “Empire (US)” was planning g to invade.PDVSA had not filed financial statements with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission since 2004; further revealing the secrecy of the massively squandered Venezuelan oil wealth.During the Presidential election in 2012, Chavez refused to debate candidate Henrique Capriles who was demanding financial accountability from Chavez. With a once proud nation of over 30 million people, Venezuela now imports around 70 percent of its food. Shoppers cannot count on routinely finding sugar to purchase from the shelves. Hugo Chavez’s lies and deception for votes promised that Venezuela would be turned into a selfsufficient food-exporting power in the world. Venezuelans now find it hard to find milk and butter and now imports half of its beef. His socialist revolution expropriated farms forcing many of the poor into the cities.The true results of Chavez's leftist rule until death (1999-2013*) have been some of the most devastating in Venezuela's history, with the poor continuing to live below the poverty line, in squalor, unsafe homes, with little food and rolling blackouts of electricity, All of this with massive oil revenues that can’t be accounted for.The interview with UNIVISION did go viral with tens of pages on the world Internet entitled La Fortuna de Hugo Chavez.” Electronic and print media investigations began to post stories of Chavez and family travelling and spending lavishly on jewelry, aircraft and charters, top international hotels, property acquisition, and related wealth. The numbers estimated multibillions of dollars.
2- Just what exactly transpired when Chavez left Venezuela for Cuba and his last surgery, and the ultimate report of his death?
A- His illness and circumstances of death, as a world nation’s elected leader might be one of the closest guarded secrets in recent history. The drama was anything but transparent. Chavez had not been “publicly” seen or heard from since undergoing his fourth cancer-related operation in Cuba on December 11, 2012. This,very odd due to Chavez’ love of the camera and microphone and domination of the media outlets that he allowed to transmit. After two more months of alleged additional surgery/care in Cuba, it was announced that Chavez had returned unannounced to Caracas in the early morning hours of 18 February 2013. He remained out of sight and reported to be closely guarded. Three “Twitter” messages read “We’ve arrived once again in our Venezuelan homeland. Thank you, my God!! Thank you, beloved nation!! We will continue our treatment here.” This miraculous feat after constant reports of partial coma, slight lucidity, paralysis and other descriptions of declining life. He was taken to Carlos Carvelo Military Hospital in Caracas. Hospital workers reported that they “never saw him,” and was reported to be on the “9th floor in a restricted area guarded by police and military.” A woman who identified herself as a hospital employee (Dubraska Mora), told state television, “…our president arrived walking, strong.” Apparently no camera or microphone caught the miracle for publication. Chavez was to be sworn in again on 10 January 2013 while he was in Cuba and it did not happen. Personally, I believe that Hugo Chavez died at or shortly after his surgery in Cuba in December 2012. Since this was possibly not a fitting death for the Venezuelan leader to die on Cuban soil; it may have been perceived to be seen a proper tribute to have him purported to be alive and transported back to Venezuela to proclaim death in the Venezuelan homeland. Ultimately, there is no documented “visual” evidence of Chavez alive since the December 2012 surgery- other than mere words by a closely guarded handful of statements- including one alleged hospital employee that said he was “walking strong.”
3- Nicolas Maduro’s victory against Henrique Caprile’s is mired in world controversy; recounts are being demanded due to the slim margin of purported victory for Maduro. What does all of this mean for Venezuelan, and what do you feel Venezuela can expect?
A- One of the most important considerations must be the more than 5,000 Cuban military troops that amassed on Venezuelan soil in mid 2012, and were well represented there in the Caracas region at his death. The Cuban presence there is frightening to those that were not Chavez supporters. They saw it as intimidation and threats to their safety and freedom. As you know the purported final numbers in the presidential election there was 50.7% for Nicolas Maduro to 49.1% for Capriles- a difference of around 235,000 votes. Maduro announced that he would support a recount, but one of his own cronies (Tibisay Lucena) who is President of the National Electoral Council, stated “No {recount}, it is irreversible.” As Maduro remained quiet on the issue, election officials said even with a recount there would be no changes made. There have been hundreds of reports of electoral fraud; destroyed and missing ballot boxes; as well as threats and intimidation a intimidation at and near the polling places. There were reports of a Venezuelan Assemblyman (Carlos Sierra) detaining an individual that had 40 laminated Venezuelan identification cards. Presidential candidate Capriles reported that his team identified 3,200 incidents of electoral fraud.All of this may mean total economic collapse for Venezuela, continued shortages of consumer goods and food shortages, power outages, and continued high murder and violent crime rates. The nation is essentially split in half on the election issue, and the government is feeling the heat of the world’s view of the arrogance of the Maduro and post Chavez regime. Maduro’s legitimacy is in question
4- Your work is primarily concerned with counterterrorism and global threat mitigation. What are the threats that currently exist now in Venezuela and can you describe the violence that is currently occurring there because of the elections?
A- There are consistent reports of retaliation against pro Capriles supporters. There have been reports of beatings by police and military officials; as well as people (some described as national guard or military) on motorcycles with Ak-47s assaulting people, as well as several people openly shot in front of rolling hidden video cameras. Capriles himself has been threatened of arrest for inciting violence; and it is believed that an actual warrant had been prepared and then later cancelled. The country remains very unsafe with little trust in police, military, or governing officials.
5- You have recently also done shows with us on the violence in Mexico, Central America and the border with the US with drug gangs, as well as human and sex trafficking in Latin America. What does the elections in Venezuela and the post Chavez dictatorial rule in the region mean for the hemisphere?
A- It will mean a lot in terms of how Chavez’s fellow leftist leaders throughout the hemisphere openly support the Maduro regime and what that means to democracy and democratic neighbors within the Americas. Russia, Chinese, and Iranian officials apparently have hidden agendas in Venezuela, with reports of an operational Iranian missile base on the Venezuelan homeland. It was encouraging in Argentina last week as an estimated one million citizens began massive protests against President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner; citing corruption and a demand for democracy.
6- We discussed also on another show we did with you about your assignment to Argentina after the Jewish Center (AMIA) bombing and the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires. In terms of traditional terrorism, again, what is the current climate for possible terrorism attacks in Latin America?
A- In addition to the rogue regimes represented on Venezuelan soil, we still have the tri-border area that enjoins Argentina, Paraguay, and Brasil that is well represented with potential radicalized terror potential that includes a large population of Hezbollah. Many are living in Venezuela. Transnational organized criminals (narcoterrorists/drug gangs) still remain a major threat to the entire hemisphere. The question is whether the revolutionary FARC and/or other drug traffickers will enjoy protection, support, and facilitation with operating in and through Venezuela as was reported during the Chavez tenure in office.
7- Let’s move forward on terrorism to the recent bombing in Boston. Before we talk about the incident from the moment the bombs exploded and forward to currently; what could have been done to prevent this if possible, and what do counterterrorism experts such as you look for and do to interdict terrorists proactively?
A- First off, it would be nearly impossible to stop any threat that is intricately planned, organized, structured, supported and moves forward with patience; adhering to a rigid and strict operational plan. Without informants (whistleblowers) a well organized team effort can prevail against a target. What counterterror experts rely on in attempting to interdict planned terror events is in the pre-attack stages of the terrorist’s attack cycle which is their weakest point. That cycle begins with the process of the terrorist selecting or identifying a target for attack. They do this by sometimes intense periods of surveillance of the potential victim or target site. They look for patterns, security issues, travel routes, and related routines where the victim/site is vulnerable tor attack. This period of surveillance could be very lengthy. This is where they can be eventually spotted by a trained surveillance detection cadre. The terrorist’s surveillance team will pay special attention to a location where the victim or victims can be controlled in terms of a flow, chokepoint, or channel with little chance of exiting safely. The terrorist must be able to blend in and have a position of cover to sustain his/her presence in the area; the place to control the victim, and a method/route of escape.
8- Can you summarize what you know about the Boston bombing and what took place and was reported?
A- As you know, the investigation continues to be fluid. Open source reports of the bombing can never be truly relied upon due to potential withholding of certain information or events for strategic investigative reasons or national security. My specific interest of the Boston (Marathon) bombings was the modus operandi of the two “named” terrorists. I apply the traditional terror cycle and immediately wonder if any pre-attack surveillance and assessment of the attack site was or could have been spotted previous to the operational act. Were cameras within the chosen site perimeter checked back further (prior to the date of attack) for these two actors and/or potential accomplices? Were there false police calls for service to the immediate area; other emergency responders such as fire or ambulance/rescue; or other unusual events prior to the date of attack?
In my opinion, the attack site was a well chosen site for several reasons. This leads me to believe that there was classic terror training/indoctrination, and methodology and not a simple random attack poorly planned. Two adequate devices/bombs were placed and detonated undetected prior to the explosion. The devices placed about a hundred yards apart and within the intended victimsfor maximum effect/scatter/injuries. Too, the devices were placed along the flow of the runners moving in one direction, with spectators static between the two explosive devices. This area became a chokepoint after the side street was passed and they moved forward to the first detonation There was no place for retreat and the second bomb was timed to get those continuing to run or run away from the first explosion.The escape route for the terrorists was the side street away from the first bomb and they were able to move away effectively and timely; albeit the camera’s later would reveal their movement.
9- What about many of the theories and best guesses by many as to the overall picture as to whether these two brothers were affiliated with anyone and had help with this attack- do you think they were trained in your opinion by traditional terrorism factions or networks?
A- Yesterday, the surviving terrorist allegedly said they acted alone; prepared the bombs from Internet-style links, and did it because of US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan in disrespect to Islam.I take into account the deceased terrorist’s hate for the US; his six month known travel to Russia, and the previous warning to the FBI from Russia (possibly others) to have a look at him. It appears that that ball was dropped and this team of two (or others possibly unknown) were able to perform according to what I just detailed- in precision; and may have totally escaped had they not gotten involved in the incidents with the car jacking, MIT incident, and the traffic stop. It was a well executed plan for what is being described/reported as an untrained, unskilled, random first act.
10- Regarding the terrorists that were arrested by the Canadian RCMP on Monday, what is your current assessment of those reports; your opinion on RCMP’s due diligence in that lengthy investigation, and what it means to Canada and the US for the future of potential aggressive attacks on both nations?
A- From what I know, the RCMP accomplished an outstanding and “proactive” effort instrategically interdicting a terrorist cell in their planning stages for a major terrorist event that was designed for mass casualties that would have possibly affected Canada and the US. It was reported that the FBI was collaborating in this investigation and the plan entailed possible site(s) in New York. Effectively countering terrorism requires proactive strategies; intense and consistent training to police at all levels (local/county/state/federal/military); the sharing of intelligence along with proactive intelligence-led policing routines, and educating people in spotting and reporting suspicious incidents and actions. This nation cannot afford to simply be in a “reactive” posture to a terrorist’s plan of attack.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES United States of America Washington, D.C. 703.268.4453 www.scribd.com/jbrewer31 http://www.cjiausa.orgwww.cjiausa.org (archived at: www.scribd.com/jbrewer31 and www.mexidata.info).
last interview with Jerry Brewer Mexican Drug Wars AND HUMAN SEX TRADE
UPEI hopes Mental Health Week will help students who are stressed, anxious or depressed. People in their late teens to early 20s are at the highest risk for mental illness. (iStock)picture credit CBC http://www.radio-shalom.ca/mp3/Programs/1042/MoneyAndBusiness_MentalIllness170413.mp3 LISTEN TO MP3
Is Mental illness affecting Canada’s economic potential and their Bottom line? And Are there Cost Effective ways for the Governments to reduce ways for Incarcerating our youth.
As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, the Canadian Alliance of Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) nominated Jeremy to tell his story. See how he's learned to embrace and manage Obsessive Compulsive Disorder without any medication. Join Bell Canada, and take action to fight the stigma associated with mental illness.
SHOW Is Mental illness affecting Canada’s economic potential and their Bottom line? And Are there Cost Effective ways for the Governments to reduce ways for Incarcerating our youth. About 10 years ago to suggest mental health was a critical issue for Canadian businesses would have seemed ludicrous. But that thought is quickly catching on as Ottawa announced earlier this month of a national standard to help businesses put in place policies that improve employees’ psychological health, The Government Ottawa finally admitted that there are far too many Canadians with mental illness for the business community to ignore them. The standard came in response to the findings of a federal study showing there are as many as 800,000 well-educated workers in Canada who suffer from mental disabilities but who are perfectly capable of working if offered the right conditions in which to do so — a staggering number considering the labour shortages faced by many of the nation’s critical industries.
Today Live from Our Studios of Radio Shalom CJRS 1650AM in Montreal we will be speaking about the economic costs of mental illness in Canada. We will be discussing the direct health care costs of mental illness as well as the indirect costs and the importance of addressing this important issue affecting 1 in 5 North Americans and as well We will be discussing how our money can be better spent on rehabilitative therapeutic interventions in dealing with the youth delinquency and addiction as opposed to current punitive measures we have in place now that do not work.
My name is Samuel Ezerzer, your host to the Money & Business show on Radio Shalom, CJRS 1650 AM. Thank you for tuning in live on the Money & Business show, with our Business studios headquarters in Montreal, the financial capital and the home to the greatest hockey team, the Montreal Canadians. We have another great show for you today and as always, you can call if you have any questions, comments, or criticisms on today's topic. Please call us direct at 514 738 4100 ext 200 or email me at moneyandbusinessshow@gmail.com if you have any inquiries. You can also visit our website at http://www.radio-shalom.ca/ – all our shows are archived there. BIOGRAPHY Lisa Lallouz Has her degree in social work and is a youth and child counselor .She has 20 years experience working with children and families in education and social work She has been the driving force behind the creation of various programs to help children . She is currently the director of support services at "open doors Toronto " an online counseling service dedicated to providing teens and their families with counseling and support before during and after crisis . Having experienced first hand the nightmares of family crisis , Lisa successfully guides family's through whatever challenges they may be facing . An expert in analysis she can provide preventive guidelines that will save families from tremendous pain and suffering as well as financial loss and exploitation .
Vivian Bacman Vivian Bacman is a professional in the field of mental health. She has a Master Degree in Psychology as well as in Social Work. She has been working in psychotherapy and mental health services for the last 30 years. Currently she is the Supervisor of a multi-disciplinary Mental Health Team in the Health and Social Services system in Montreal. Clara Hughes is an athlete for all seasons. She's one of the biggest stories to emerge in Canadian sports, and she's not finished yet. A six-time Olympic medalist in cycling and speed skating; she's the only athlete in history to win multiple medals in both Summer and Winter Games. She is the National Spokesperson for the Bell Let's Talk Mental Health initiative, including Bell Let's Talk Day. By sharing past struggles with depression, Clara has helped break down the stigma associated with mental illness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In2tXg0Hw1g&feature=endscreen&NR=1 Lisa Lallouz, MSW Lisa is compassionate and dedicated to children and families. She has been the driving force in the creation of various programs and movements to help children of all ages. Her heart and door are always open.Even with over 20 years experience working with children and families, Lisa found herself in crisis when her marriage abruptly ended. Suddenly she went from driving her child's carpools and attending after school events to meetings at police stations, court rooms, and drug detox centers. She became a mother whose family was torn apart and thrust into chaos. Having personally experienced family crisis, Lisa is able to provide a unique perspective as she counsels and guides other families and teens throughout this painful process. She is committed to sharing her story as a means to lessen the shame, reduce alienation, and empower families. Lisa works to dispel the myths and falsehoods surrounding these issues, provides clear practical steps tailored to individual families, and assists in navigating court, and legal issues. Lisa has an educational background in Women's and Judaic Studies and a Masters degree from McGill University in Social Work.
As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, the Canadian Alliance of Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) nominated Jeremy to tell his story. See how he's learned to embrace and manage Obsessive Compulsive Disorder without any medication. Join Bell Canada, and take action to fight the stigma associated with mental illness. Bell Let's Talk Day - Office 4:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zOPrq3Vv8Gs Bell Let's Talk - Harmony shares her story conquering mental illness | Bell Canada 4:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5jk6tMyt24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdDvrWiiXkY Bell Let's Talk - Jeremy shares his story conquering mental illness | Bell Canada 4:45 END OF SHOW 5PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1gF0I2Ecmw Obama on Boston Bombing: 'We Will Find Out Who Did This'
"Everyone was just in utter shock and looking around." "It is a criminal investigation that is … a potential terrorist investigation," FBI special agent Rick DesLauriers said in a news conference. President Barack Obama vowed on Monday that the United States will find out who carried out explosions in Boston and will hold them accountable, and a White House official said the twin blasts are being treated as an "act of terror,"
White House official said any event with multiple explosive devices, as the Boston episode appeared to be,
"is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror." "However, we don't yet know who carried out this attack, and a thorough investigation will have to determine whether it was planned and carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic," the official said.
Explosion took place Boston police said the explosions occurred near the finish line — about 45 to 90 metres apart — that resulted in 'multiple casualties.'(CBC)
Two explosions occurred near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday about four hours after the start of the race. At least two people were killed, and more than 110 were wounded.
This evening, President Obama made a statement about today’s explosions at the Boston Marathon. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) The President explained that he had been briefed by his Homeland Security team, who are continuing to monitor the situation as it unfolds, and had "directed the full resources of the federal government to help state and local authorities protect our people, increase security around the United States as necessary, and investigate what happened."
“The American people will say a prayer for Boston tonight,” he said. “And Michelle and I send our deepest thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims in the wake of this senseless loss.” We still do not know who did this or why. And people shouldn’t jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. But make no mistake -- we will get to the bottom of this. And we will find out who did this; we'll find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.
Today is a holiday in Massachusetts -- Patriots’ Day. It’s a day that celebrates the free and fiercely independent spirit that this great American city of Boston has reflected from the earliest days of our nation. And it’s a day that draws the world to Boston’s streets in a spirit of friendly competition. Boston is a tough and resilient town. So are its people. I'm supremely confident that Bostonians will pull together, take care of each other, and move forward as one proud city. And as they do, the American people will be with them every single step of the way. You should anticipate that as we get more information, our teams will provide you briefings. We're still in the investigation stage at this point. But I just want to reiterate we will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable.
07:49 PM ET 2 killed, more than 130 hurt in Boston Marathon bombing Two killed – including 8-year-old boy – in bomb blasts near finish line of Boston Marathon, Boston police say. Area hospitals say at least 132 are injured, including eight children. Two explosions happened at about 2:50 p.m., more than two hours after the first of the race's nearly 27,000 runners had crossed the finish line. Boston.com journalist reports "blood everywhere," people missing limbs. Race called off; Red Cross and Google set up websites to help people find loved ones in the area
[Update, 7:49 p.m. ET] Doctors are "pulling ball bearings out of people in the emergency room," suggesting that the bombs were designed to propel shrapnel, a terrorism expert briefed on the investigation told CNN's Deborah Feyerick. [Update, 7:43 p.m. ET] An 8-year-old boy was among those killed, a state law enforcement source said, according to CNN's John King. [Update, 7:38 p.m. ET] At least 132 people – including eight children – have been injured in the bombings, according to Boston-area hospitals. Boston police earlier said that two people were killed. At least 17 of the injured are in critical condition, and at least 25 are in serious condition, area hospitals said. [Update, 7:08 p.m. ET] A witness, Marilyn Miller, told CNN that she was about 30 feet away from the first bomb when it went off. The second bomb came about 12 seconds after and about 50 to 100 yards away from the first, according to authorities and an analysis of video from the site. "We saw injuries all around us," Miller said. Someone was putting pressure on a woman's neck. "A little boy, his leg was torn up. A woman, (people) were (shouting), 'Critical, critical, get out of out way!'"
Videos of Decarie Boulevard Landmarks,Hotels, Restaurants And the Décarie Expressway (Quebec Autoroute 15)
See Upclose Queen Mary Exit of Decarie Expressway
The Decarie Boulevard is an arterial north / south in the center of the island of Montreal . It crosses the district Notre-Dame-de-Grâce/Côte-des-Neiges and extends to the street Porier in the borough of Saint-Laurent . North of the boulevard de la Côte-Vertu and to Poirier Street, the artery becomes Rue Decarie .
Quebec Autoroute 15
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Autoroute Décarie, Décarie Autoroute, Décarie Expressway, Quebec Route 9 and Decarie Boulevard redirect here. "Quebec Route 15" redirects here. For the pre-1970s route, see Quebec Route 138. Autoroute 15 (also called the Décarie Expressway (English) or Autoroute Décarie (French) between the Turcot and Décarie Interchanges in Montreal and the Laurentian Autoroute (English) or Autoroute des Laurentides (French) north of Autoroute 40) is a highway in western Quebec, Canada.
It was, until the extension of Autoroute 25 was opened in 2011, the only constructed north-south autoroute to go out of Montreal on both sides. A-15 begins at the end of Interstate 87 at the United States border at Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts with an eventual continuation beyond Mont-Tremblant. The total length of A-15 is currently 164 km (101.9 mi), including a short concurrency (4 km/2.5 mi) with Autoroute 40 (Boulevard/Autoroute Métropolitan) that connects the two main sections. This is one of the few autoroutes in Quebec that does not have any spinoff highways.