Should a pipeline be built across the United States through the Canadian border to carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta to refineries in Texas . We are talking about a project of the northern leg of the keystone XL pipeline that has to be approved by the state department and its fate lies with the president of the United States Barak Obama citing environmental concerns.

While we have talk about the oil pipelines and gas issues like shale, one of the issues that keep’s coming up is the whole issue surrounding oil and gas developments (exploration, development and pipelines) is consultation and communications by the industry and government with local stakeholders (landowners, aboriginals, and environmentalists).
It seems to me and others that the industry and governments are always on the defensive and reactive rather than being proactive when it comes to communication and consultation with stakeholders regarding oil and natural gas developments."
Obvious with the "Idle no More" movement one of the key issues is "communication, even The Green Party of Canada is encouraging Canadians to engage in an informed and helpful discourse on Indigenous Rights and fundamental Canadian values of sustainable development, peace, freedom and equality for all Canadians.
phtograph THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
Green party sais “The Idle No More Movement is an opportunity for people in Canada to join in solidarity on key issues like the protection of water and provision of clean drinking water for all in this country. It is creating awareness of how Canada is exposing us to a free-for all through the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPA) with China . Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act FIPA undermines sovereignty at all levels and infringes on the treaties with First Nations," said Elizabeth May, MP for Saanich—Gulf Islands and leader of the Green Party of Canada.
My name is Samuel Ezerzer, your host to the Money & Business show on Radio Shalom, CJRS 1650 AM. Thank you for tuning in live with our Business studios headquarters in Montreal , the financial capital and the home to the greatest hockey team, the Montreal Canadians. We have another great show for you today and as always, you can call if you have any questions, comments, or criticisms on today's topic. Please call us direct at 514 738 4100 ext 200 or email me at if you have any inquiries. You can also visit our website at – all our shows are archived there
Rick DeWolf is a Professional Engineer and independent energy consultant. Rick has been consulting to most sectors of the oil and natural gas industry for over 20 years, while being involved in the oil and natural gas industry for nearly 35 years.
Rick is a noted energy consultant which considerable experience respecting oil, liquid and natural gas pipelines in Canada and the US
Development issues related to new and proposed oil and natural gas pipelines
Regulatory and legislative issues related the development and operations
Rates, tolls and tariff analysis and design, including the development of revenue requirement and tolling models
Cost Allocation and affiliate transfer pricing
Transportation and storage portfolio evaluation
Rick has testified before the NEB on numerous occasions related to the construction, and economics related to all the major energy pipelines in Canada .
A What would you say is one of the most important issues affecting the development of new petroleum infrastructure like new pipeline?
o Early and effective communication between all affective parties.
§ Between the government (all levels), but particularly between the Federal Government and First Nations
§ The petroleum industry and First Nations and other land owners
A Could you elaborate of each of these areas?
o First of all I believe that if there is early and effective communications between the various parties, many of the issues can be resolved prior to the regulatory process which tends to be somewhat litigious and lines in the sand tend to be struck.
o Secondly it is vital that the Federal Government, given its obligation to consult with First Nations regarding new infrastructure, undertake to ensure that communications with First Nations meet the legislative obligations. There remain a number of land claims in area where new pipelines are proposed and hence it is paramount that these land claims be resolved.
o Thirdly, what I mean by early and effective communications regarding major new petroleum infrastructure, particularly new pipeline, is that the proponents (Petroleum) need to meet with First Nations and other land owners prior to the announcement of new major infrastructure.
§ No one appreciates hearing the news of a new project that will affect their property from a new release without having some prior knowledge of the project.
§ Prior to any announcement of a new project, the proponents need to sit down with affected parties and explain the project in a manner that lay people can understand. It is one thing to communicate to industry participants and another to communicate to groups and individuals that may not have the same level of knowledge.
§ Effective communication is the need to be upfront of both the risk, and rewards of a project and most importantly how the proponents will mitigate or resolve concerns of the affected parties.
Published on Jan 22, 2013
U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Victoria Nuland leads the Daily Press Briefing at the U.S. Department of State in Washington , D.C. on January 22, 2013 . [Go to for more video and text transcript.]
Keystone pipeline and Nebraska is giving a nod for different route
"Idle No More" is a worldwide indigenous movement started by the First Nation Tribes of Canada as a way to help protect the Constitutional Treaty Rights of the Indian Act. These rights are being threatened by the proposed C-45 Bill. The Bill will significantly decrease tribal leader and community control over decisions related to the land and water use on Indian Reserve lands, the tribal peoples of Canada will have little to no control over how corporations make use of untapped natural resources, specifically on indigenous territory protected under Sovereignty treaties.
Attawapiska Chief Theresa Spence began a hunger strike on Dec. 11, 2012 . She is asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to attend a discussion regarding the Bill and treaty rights. Harper has yet to respond. Spence is willing to die for her people's rights.
This film documents one of the many events worldwide in support of the Idle No More movement. This event was held in Seattle Washington De. 29, 2012.
The film was Directed by Dave Wilson (Brother Ali,Frank Ocean , Atmosphere, Yelawolf, Evidence), Produced by Tulalip tribal member and independent recording artist Brodie Stevens "Redskin" with footage by cameraman Ben Hampton. The film is narrated by author Gyasi Ross and elder Ramona Bennett. The gathering was organized by Lawerence Miguel and James Ole Coyote Sacred Water. Additional music by "Redskin."
This film documents one of the many events worldwide in support of the Idle No More movement. This event was held in Seattle Washington De. 29, 2012.
The film was Directed by Dave Wilson (Brother Ali,
A Do you believe that there has been early and effective communication in the past?
- Yes and no. As we can see from the significant opposition to many new pipeline projects, there is much more government and industry needs to do educate and increase the knowledge of the public. The increase over the past number of years regarding “social media” has resulted both in the level of activeness by the public, but also in the dissemination of erroneous information and facts. The industry needs to ensure that information regarding both the benefits and how the proponents will mitigate and deal with potential concerns be outlined early on in the process rather than appearing to be on the defensive.
Listen to Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune
source NPR News Radio (All Thing Consider)
Sierra Club announces it will engage in civil disobedience……finally
JANUARY 23, 2013
back to questions
A Will early and effective communication resolve all of the potential problems?
o Obviously no, since there are stakeholders that will oppose new infrastructure regardless of what the Government or Petroleum industry does to ensure that there are solutions to mitigate the stakeholders concerns and that is the reason there are regulatory processes to adjudicate the different opinions.
o However, as I pointed out, one of the most important issues is that with early and effective communication between all parties, many issues can be resolved and all parties can become better educated and knowledgeable of the others’ point of view and concerns.
Richard G DeWolf, P.Eng
111 Strathbury Bay SW
T3H 1N3
Land Line: 403.249.6861
Cell: 403.830.4966
For projects that have environmental and social impacts, consultation
will not be a single conversation but a series of opportunities to
create understanding about the project among those it will likely
affect or interest, and to learn how these external parties
view the project and its attendant risks, impacts, opportunities, and
mitigation measures.
Listening to stakeholder concerns and feedback can be a valuable
source of information that can improve project design and outcomes and
help a company to identify and control external risks. It can also
form the basis for future collaboration and partnerships. For
stakeholders, a company’s consultation process is an opportunity to
get information, as well as to educate company staff about the local
context in which a project will take place, to raise issues and
concerns, ask questions, and potentially help shape the project by
making suggestions for the company to consider and respond to.
Different organizations sometimes use different terminology – be
it “consultation,” “public consultation,” or “public participation” –
to express similar concepts and principles. The core values of the
International Association for Public Participation are as follows:
1. The public should have a say in decisions about actions that
could affect their lives.
2. Public participation includes the promise that the public’s
contribution will influence the decision. Public participation
promotes sustainable decisions by recognizing and communicating
the needs and interests of all participants, including decisionmakers.
3. Public participation seeks out and facilitates the involvement of
those potentially affected by or interested in a decision.
4. Public participation seeks input from participants in designing
how they participate.
5. Public participation provides participants with the information
they need to participate in a meaningful way.
6. Public participation communicates to participants how their
input affected the decision.
Source: International Association for Public Participation,
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