Friday, 8 May 2015

Iron Mountain Blueprint (1967) For Tyranny "Top Secret" Study of U.N. Military Takeover

Iron Mountain Blueprint (1967) For Tyranny "Top Secret" Study of U.N. Military Takeover 

Important Info

U.S. News & World Report claimed in its November 20, 1967 issue to have confirmation of the reality of the report from an unnamed government official, who added that when President Johnson read the report, he 'hit the roof' and ordered it to be suppressed for all time. Additionally, sources were said to have revealed that orders were sent to U.S. embassies, instructing them to emphasize that the book had no relation to U.S. Government policy 

"Iron Mountain: Blue Print for Tyranny"

"Report from IRON MOUNTAIN" 
is a secret study by 15 reseachers ordered by JFK in 1961 , Lyndon Johnsen received the report in 1966, and kept it silent as bottom drawer material. In 1967 one of the researchers who called himself "John Doe" published it, and the media denounced it as a Hoax.... BUT... 

AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE", developed into a accurate descriptionof the factual plans which are layed out before us, day by day.
Iron Mountain is a report created by 15 experts in their field about 
the problem of how geopolitical strategies must be changed and adapted in order to stay and maintain a successfull global governance, without the need to wage wars.

The general conclusion of this report is that at the time of writing , 
the 1960's, the trend to global disarmament was started, the USA would have to fall under the United Nations, U.N. and obey them. All souvereign nations borders will disappear, the army's of the USA and USSR will be vanished, a new army, the U.N. global army will take over, next to a new global federal police. Humanism will become the new theocracy... 
the old world religions will only be accessable inside museums.

Run time 141 min
Producer A Adams
Production Company Best Video Productions
Audio/Visual sound, color
Language English

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

NASA ; Observes a Cinco de Mayo Solar X2.7-class Flare

The Schwab Foundation For Social Entrepreneurship

Paul Craig Roberts Terrifying US Collapse Ahead; Gold will Skyrocket part2

Paul Craig Roberts: Gold And Silver Prices Will Explode

Amazing Stock Market Prediction and Gold

Eric Holder ; Building Community Trust Tour with Attorney General

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

John Gruber ; I Will Write"Daring Fireball" Till I F****G Die"

For the last 12 years, John Gruber’s tracked the modern era of Apple on Daring Fireball, his personal web site turned full-time job. Bootstrapped with reader contributions and shirt sales, John’s thoughtful approach to sponsorship allowed him to remain fiercely independent, while working on projects like Markdown, The Talk Show, and Vesper, his minimalist note-taking app.

Recorded in September 2014 at XOXO, an arts and technology festival in Portland, Oregon celebrating independent artists using the Internet to make a living doing what they love. For more, visit

Anita Sarkeesian; Combating Sexism in Video Games"Feminist Frequency"

Two years ago, Anita Sarkeesian decided to use Feminist Frequency, her video series on the portrayal of women in the media, to document sexist stereotypes and cliches in videogames. That project, Tropes vs. Women in Videogames, ignited a sustained campaign of violent threats and abuse, while raising over $150,000 from nearly 7,000 supporters. Despite the intense scrutiny, each video is essential viewing, a free masterclass in gender studies.

After describing Feminist Frequency's genesis as a video project meant to "bring discussions of feminist theory to a wider audience"—a pitch she used in her successful 2012 Kickstarter campaign—Sarkeesian wrote that her experiences over the past two years, full of "daily vitriol" from online commenters, have forced her to reexamine her organization's purpose. "As a result, we have expanded Feminist Frequency’s mission to include advocacy around ending online hate and abuse, analyzing and advancing awareness of how gendered harassment operates online," she wrote.

The letter said that current efforts include consulting gigs with "tech and game companies" regarding online harassment within their communities, along with helping other active online feminists come up with "long-term solutions to deal with the epidemic of online abuse and create mechanisms for support." The report's list of plans for 2015 doesn't specify exactly how that mission might change or grow, other than hoping to create "a network with a variety of different programs and hosts analyzing media from a systemic/intersectional/anti-oppression lens."

Recorded in September 2014 at XOXO, an arts and technology festival in Portland, Oregon celebrating independent artists using the Internet to make a living doing what they love. For more, visit

Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams Reveals Secret Formula for Getting Rich Online

Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams Reveals Secret Formula for Getting Rich Online
EV WILLIAMS HAS figured out the internet.

That’s what he told the gathered tech heads at the recent XOXO conference in Portland, Oregon, and while he may have said this with tongue partly in cheek, he spent the next 30 minutes unloading his unified theory of the global computer network, an interpretation formed after 20 years of hard thinking — to say nothing of his experience creating seminal internet companies Blogger and Twitter.

In his speech, Williams explained what the internet is, how it works, and how to get rich from it. Truth be told, Williams is not the best public speaker, but his message was clear: At a time when so many internet entrepreneurs are running around Silicon Valley trying to do something no one else has ever done, Williams believes that the real trick is to find something that’s tried and true — and to do it better. It’s a speech that should serve as a signpost, a bit of much-needed direction for the Valley’s younger generation.

Remembering XOXO 2014

Paul Ford, Ftrain - XOXO Festival (2014)

Ethics in Science ; Trends in Research Misconduct on The Rise

Ethics in Science ; Trends in Research Misconduct on The Rise;
Not just an academic issue
• Public health is perhaps most at stake when
medical research is found to be falsified or
• A 2011 article in The Journal of Medical Ethics
reviewed ~200 papers that were retracted due to
questionable data  the published research was
tied to 28,000 patients, 6,573 of whom
received treatment based on the research
presented in the retracted papers (Steen, 2011).

JMBE Profiles with Kari Wester is an interview series that highlights the volunteers that comprise the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE) Editorial Board, the authors who contribute their work, and the education innovations that bring them together.

In this third episode of the series, Kari sits down with ASM's Publishing Ethics Manager, Erika Davies, to discuss the importance of scientific ethics, responsible conduct of research, and trends in research misconduct. Kari and Erika also discuss resources to help educate members and non-members alike about the importance of scientific integrity. The ASM resources mentioned, including JMBE’s Scientific Ethics section and ASM Press’ "Scientific Integrity" (4th Ed.) textbook and "Perspectives on Research Integrity" monograph, can all be found on Information regarding image manipulation can be found at­­_images.pdf.

JMBE is ASM's premier science education publication that provides original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles that foster scholarly teaching and offers readily adoptable resources in biology education. You can read JMBE online for free at

16% of Cancers Are Caused by Viruses or Bacteria

Where viruses and bacteria cause cancer

Strictly speaking, cancer is not contagious. But a fair number of cancers are clearly caused by viral or bacterial infections: lymphomas can be triggered by the Epstein-Barr virus, which also causes mononucleosis. Liver cancers can be caused by Hepatitis B and C. Cervical cancers can be caused by human papillomavirus, the major reason behind the development of a vaccine against it.  For some of these cancers, nearly 100% of the cases have an infectious link—when researchers check to see if a virus or bacterium is working in the tumor or has left signs of its presence in a patient’s blood, the answer is nearly always yes.

A new paper in The Lancet takes a look at the very best data on the prevalence of infection-caused cancers and comes up with some striking numbers. Overall, they estimate that 16% of cancer cases worldwide in 2008 had an infectious cause—2 million out of 12.7 million.

Until recently cancers were seen as lifestyle and genetic diseases, brought on by exposure to carcinogens or a mutated gene. Recent studies are linking microbes to many different kinds of cancers. Participants will discuss not only how infection with specific pathogens causes cancers but also how disruptions in the human microbiome can also cause disease.

Christian Jobin, University of Florida, Gainesville

Germs on a Plane: Harmful Bacteria Can Linger for Days, E. coli (96 hour)

Germs on a Plane: Harmful Bacteria Can Linger for Days, Study Finds (armrest, plastic tray table, metal toilet button, window shade, seat pocket cloth, and leather)
Disease-causing bacteria can linger on surfaces commonly found in airplane cabins for days, even up to a week, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

"Many air travelers are concerned about the risks of catching a disease from other passengers given the long time spent in crowded air cabins," says Kiril Vaglenov, of Auburn University who presented the data. "This report describes the results of our first step in investigating this potential problem."

In order for disease-causing bacteria to be transmitted from a cabin surface to a person, it must survive the environmental conditions in the airplane. In the study Vaglenov and his colleagues tested the ability of two pathogens, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and E. coli O157:H7 to survive on surfaces commonly found in airplanes. They obtained six different types of material from a major airline carrier (armrest, plastic tray table, metal toilet button, window shade, seat pocket cloth, and leather), inoculated them with the bacteria and exposed them to typical airplane conditions.

MRSA lasted longest (168 hours) on material from the seat-back pocket while E. coli O157:H7 survived longest (96 hours) on the material from the armrest.

"Our data show that both of these bacteria can survive for days on the selected types of surfaces independent of the type of simulated body fluid present, and those pose a risk of transmission via skin contact," says Vaglenov.

This research is laying the groundwork for important work to come.

"Our future plans include the exploration of effective cleaning and disinfection strategies, as well as testing surfaces that have natural antimicrobial properties to determine whether these surfaces help reduce the persistence of disease-causing bacteria in the passenger aircraft cabin," says Vaglenov.

They currently have ongoing trials with other human pathogens including the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.
Source: American Society for Microbiology