Sunday, 30 March 2014

Vilna Gaon: The Russian invasion of Crimea is a sign of impending redemption , We Hear the Footsteps of Moshiach

Samuel Ezerzer March 30th 2014

Vilna Gaon: The Russian invasion of Crimea is a sign of impending redemption
Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch: We Hear the Footsteps of Moshiach 
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On Purim (Monday March 17th), Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, Head of the Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem, allowed a secret to slip out. He peeled back the curtain and offered a peek into a tradition handed down from his grandfather, the Vilna Gaon, a prominent 18th-century Kabbalist:

Vlad Putin - Rav Moshe Sternbuch
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“Even though I am careful not to share the mysteries, I feel that this is something I am permitted to reveal..This was something Rabbi Isaac had received directly from those who heard it from the mouth of the Vilna Gaon, who said, shortly before his passing:

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“’When you hear that the Russians have invaded Crimea, you will know that the bells of Redemption have begun to ring. When you hear that the Russians have reached Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey, as it is called today), you can already don Sabbath clothes and await the appearance of Moshiach.’

“Last week the Russians invaded Crimea and the world slept… According to our tradition from the Vilna Gaon, this is a sign of impending redemption … Perhaps what the Gaon meant by ‘bells of the redemption’ is like a bell that signals the arrival of someone or something.”

Adapted for easier understanding for readers of all level of familiarity with the tradition from the presentation and translation of the teaching in English by Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz



An article in Hebrew on the Purim sermon can be found here.

הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך הפתיע השבוע את תלמידיו כשחשף לפניהם את אחד הסודות שקיבל במסורת מהגאון מווילנה, בהקשר כיבוש חצי האי קרים בידי רוסיה. "פורים הוא זמן שמגלים סודות", אמר הרב לתלמידיו

יונתן לוי
הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך הפתיע את תלמידיו בפורים כאשר חשף בפניהם את הסוד שקיבל במסורת מאת הגאון מווילנה בהקשר של אירוע כיבוש חצי האי קרים בידי רוסיה, המטריד כיום את הקהילה הבינלאומית. 
"פורים הוא זמן שמגלים סודות, ויש אצלי הרבה סודות שלא אוכל לגלותם", אמר הרב לתלמידיו, כפי שצוטט ב"משפחה", "אך על אף דבריי שלא אגלה סודות, מכל מקום אני מוכרח לגלות סוד אחד, וזאת מפני שהוא לא סוד שלי, שכן כבר גילה אותו הגאון רבי יצחק חבר זצ"ל, תלמידו של רבי חיים מוולוז´ין זצ"ל ששמעו מפי הגר"א זיע"א שגילה סוד זה סמוך להסתלקותו", מספר הרב שטרנבוך, שהוא עצמו צאצא של הגר"א.
"כאשר תשמעו שהרוסים כבשו את העיר קרים, תדעו שמתחילים כבר פעמי הגאולה, וכאשר תשמעו שהרוסים הגיעו לעיר קונסטנטינופול (איסטנבול) אז כבר תלבשו בגדי שבת, ואל תפשטו אותם כיוון שבכל רגע המשיח עומד לבוא".
הרב המשיך והסביר כי "בשבוע האחרון הרוסים כבשו את חצי האי קרים וכל העולם סוער סביב הכיבוש הזה, ולפי המסורת שיש בידינו מהגר"א זהו סימן מובהק לפעמי משיח".
ומהי ההגדרה של "פעמי משיח"? הרב סייג כי אין אנו יודעים בדיוק מהי הכוונה "פעמי", אך אולי זהו מלשון פעמון, והכוונה היא שהאירועים מעוררים אותנו להתכונן לביאת המשיח.
(צילום: פלאש 90)
אהבת את הכתבה?
רוצה לקרוא עוד?
הזן את כתובת המייל שלך כאן משמאל,
ומדי שבוע תקבל כתבות נוספות ישירות לתיבת הדוא
ר האלקטרוני שלך.
עלון השבת הפופולרי של הידברות מגדיל את תפוצתו.
מעוניינים להפיץ אותו באזור מגוריכם?
הקליקו כאן.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Robert A. Wiedemer "Aftershock"; America’s Bubble Economy, What Recovery? And the Dollar Implosion Protect Yourselfs

Find Aftershock on

Money and Business Show Presents

Robert A. Wiedemer is President of Aftershock Publishing

Live March 26th at 4pm-5PM and Replayed following Monday at 7pm

America’s Bubble Economy ; Recovery? What Recovery? And the Dollar Implosion Protect Yourselfs 
Recovery? What Recovery?

Did you lose money in the financial crisis of 2008? Or the rollercoaster ride of summer 2011? Did you receive some poor financial investment advice? Are you "underwater" in your mortgage or your home has lost value? Do your dollars buy less at the grocery store and the gas pump? Are you worried about the safety of your money, job, and investments?

Don't Get Fooled Again!

This is no recovery. And this is no "down cycle" that will soon be followed by a reliable "up cycle." This is a big, multi-bubble pop and it’s far from over. In our first book, America’s Bubble Economy (Wiley, 2006), we warned you about the coming domino fall of the linked real estate, stock, and private debt bubbles that eventually led to the financial crisis of 2008. In Aftershock (Wiley, 2009), our financial investment advice revealed how the worst is still ahead, as the bubbles continue to fall and the two final bubbles, dollar and huge government debt bubbles, pop. Now our latest book, The Aftershock Investor (Wiley, 2012) offers the definitive look at 2013 and beyond – and what investors can do right now to protect themselves.

Robert A. Wiedemer is President of Aftershock Publishing and a Managing Director with Absolute Investment Management, a money management firm. Mr. Wiedemer wrote the landmark book that predicted the current downturn in the economy in 2006, America’s Bubble Economy, published by John Wiley. As Paul Farrell, Senior Investment Columnist at Dow Jones MarketWatch recently said, “In short, America’s Bubble Economy's prediction, though ignored, was accurate.” Kiplinger’s chose it as one of the best business books of 2006.

Aftershock Third Edition will be available for purchase online and in book stores on March 31st!   Look for it at Barnes and Noble in the Best in Business section of the store.

This third edition contains 
our latest views on the 
economy and investments!

The Aftershock Investor

Friday, 21 March 2014



Displaying Antonio DiVerdis.jpg

(aka Antonio DiVerdis)

Based in Montreal, Green has had a thirty year history as a songwriter, singer, musician, music producer and filmmaker. He is a multi-skilled entrepreneur with extensive entertainment industry experience. Acting almost exclusively independently he has an impressive track record of success in the industry. In July 1996 he was inducted into the Canadian Dance Hall of Fame.

Description:  Antonio DiVerdis, winner of the Best Score for South of the Moon from Canada with his producer and TIFF volunteers 

Green started his career in the early 1980s as a songwriter/musician. When he couldn’t get songs recorded by existing artists he decided to record them himself. After a few years as a recording artist, he started to produce his own records. 
As a song writer-producer he wrote and produced a string of hit songs including

‘Come to Me’ and ‘Everybody Get up and Boogie’ both of which made the Billboard charts

RCA Records he had a hit song entitled ‘Fool’. Being a prolific songwriter, he began writing and producing songs for other singers and this led him to discover and produce such artists as France Joli, Freddie James and Luba. He has also had very considerable experience and achievement in the movie industry. He has written, produced and directed music videos and feature films. He wrote and produced the coming of age feature film ‘South of the Moon’, which won best score at the Tiburon Film Festival.

As result of Mr. Green’s experience as a musician, hit songwriter, artist and record producer as well as music publisher, artist manager and filmmaker,he has acquired a rounded knowledge of the entertainment business. He has an unequalled reputation in the industry together with extensive business associations and industry contacts worldwide.

   listen to Everybody Get Up and Boogie’

Green has built up an impressive track record of achievement over the years having been a prolific producer of successful albums and many of his songs have been charted on Billboard magazine. His hits include ‘Come to Me’, ‘The Heart to Break the Heart’, ‘Everybody Get Up and Boogie’, ‘Hollywood’, ‘Pick Up The Pieces’ and ‘Don’t
Turn Your Back On Love’. ‘To Love Means to Be Free’ and ‘Fool’. 


His songs have been featured in feature films such as ‘All Good Things’, ‘Studio 54’, ‘Mannequin II’, ‘Just Can’t Get Enough’ and they have also been featured on TV shows such as ‘Once a Thief’, ‘Siren’, and ‘General Hospital’ just to name a few. Tony Green presently runs two record labels and a film company: Evolution Records (, Polaris Records ( and Stargaze Pictures ( 




Stargaze Pictures is an independent production company based in Montreal that engaged in the production of film, television and music videos. This innovative independent company is now in the process of developing a television series entitled

UP, DOWN, SIDEWAYS and a reality show entitled THE PSYCHIC SHOW. 

Three feature films are also in the works;

The first of which is to be produced is entitled DAMN THOSE WEDDING BELLS. Stargaze pictures is also a line producer catering to American and European film producers and providing them with a turnkey operation to get their movie produced on time and in budget. Montreal is a great cosmopolitan city with amazing diverse locations and experienced film crews a well as equipment rental and state of the art post production facilities. Another factor that makes Montreal the choice of many out-of-town filmmakers is the Canada/Quebec tax credits incentives that make shooting in Montreal a win-win situation.

UP, DOWN, SIDEWAYS is a sitcom television series that deals with a man of Italian background in his early fifties who always gets himself into hilarious extraordinary situations and uses off-the-wall unexpected measures to get himself out of them.
He’s short, bald and irreverent with a magnetic and explosive personality which can be described as a mixture of Archie Bunker and Larry David. The show is edgy an innovative, geared mostly for a mature audience. Each episode will run one half hour. 

The Psychic Show
THE PSYCHIC SHOW is a reality show starring JZ Crystal, a renowned female psychic that has read the likes of Pierre Eliot Trudeau, Celine Dion and Goldie Hawn to mention just a few. JZ Crystal is a psychic extraordinaire with many years of experience in her practice of this paranormal phenomenon. JZ is a good-looking woman who is vivacious, vibrant and charming. Her talent and assuredness in her work as a psychic and as a medium empower her with the capacity to be at ease in her interaction with people, whether it is over the telephone or in person. Each episode will run one half hour.

Damn Those Wedding Bells
DAMN THOSE WEDDING BELLS. This feature film is a romantic comedy adapted from a stage play of the same title. As a play, it had three very successful runs in Montreal.
Twice in English and once in French (translated by none other than the great French playwright Michel Tremblay). It’s after seeing the play and the amazing reaction it received from the audience that I asked the playwright to write the screenplay (which immediately optioned). 

Talia Shire and Olympia Dukakis are being considered to partake in this project

Talia Shire                    Olympia Dukakis                               




Stargaze Pictures’ in-house casting, Elite Casting (, is a premier casting agency for film, television and theatre. For the past 25 years Elite
Casting has provided exceptional casting services across Canada and the U.S. working with some of the finest and most respected producers and directors in the industry.

They have discovered and launched many young Canadian actors and actresses, who have since established themselves world-wide with highly successful careers.
The founders of Elite Casting are Rosina Bucci Nadia Rona and Vera Miller whose filmography credits include such high profile films as ;


“ The Jackal” with Bruce Willis and Richard Gere, “The Art of War” with Wesley Snipes and Anne Archer, “The Score” with Robert De Niro and Marlon Brando, “Beyond Borders” with Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen, “Where The Money Is” with Paul Newman and Linda Fiorentino, “The Whole Nine Yards with Bruce Willis and Mathew Perry, and “Where The Money Is” with Marlon Brando and Donald Sutherland to name just a few. You may go to the following links for their full filmography:


Rosina Bucci:
Nadia Rona:
Vera Miller :

Some of the Networks that we are Approching for TV projects and Realitty Shows.



For More Information  and you want to invest please;
Contact Samuel Ezerzer
Or Email